Thornborough and Coombs Woodland Enterprise Trust
Charity No. 1163451


(Hymenoscyphus fraxineus)

Ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) is a fungus which originated in Asia. It doesn’t cause much damage on its native hosts of the Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) and the Chinese ash (Fraxinus chinensis) in its native range. However, its introduction to Europe about 30 years ago has devastated the European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) because our native ash species did not evolve with the fungus and this means it has no natural defence against it.

Click here to find out more about Ash Dieback

Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) - Woodland Trust

Ash Dieback in our woodlands.

Unfortunately our woodlands have not been spared and we have a major problem with Ash Dieback. Over the next few years we will have to remove a great many Ash trees in all parts of the wood. This work is carried out under the rules set out by the Forestry Commission and is licensed by them. Starting very soon we will be working with a firm of Arborists to begin to remove those trees worst affected. We plan to make sure that the woods keeps its character by keeping the work to a minimum. There will be no whole scale felling but you will begin to see small groups of qualified arborists felling trees from Autumn 2023 and you will notice a difference. Once the trees are removed the woods will be allowed to regenerate which will take a number of years. However you can be assured that this will mean that the woodlands will be stronger and better for future generations.

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